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Version: 1.22.0

Quickstart with AWS Glue


The DynamicFrames API is currently not supported. Use DataFrames, DataSets or RDD instead.

Enable OpenLineage


The configuration must be specified in the Job details tab. AWS Glue may ignore the properties if they are specified in the application source code.

Follow these steps to enable OpenLineage on AWS Glue:

  1. Specify the OpenLineage JAR URL

    In the Job details tab, navigate to Advanced propertiesLibrariesDependent Jars path

    • Use the URL directly from Maven Central openlineage-spark
    • Ensure you select the version for Scala 2.12, as Glue Spark is compiled with Scala 2.12 and version 2.13 won't be compatible.
    • On the page for the specific OpenLineage version for Scala 2.12, copy the URL of the jar file from the Files row and use it in Glue.
    • Alternatively, upload the jar to an S3 bucket and use its URL. The URL should use the s3 scheme: s3://<your bucket>/path/to/openlineage-spark_2.12-<version>.jar
  2. Add OpenLineage configuration in Job Parameters

    In the same Job details tab, add a new property under Job parameters:

    • Use the format param1=value1 --conf param2=value2 ... --conf paramN=valueN.
    • Make sure every parameter except the first has an extra --conf in front of it.
    • Example: spark.extraListeners=io.openlineage.spark.agent.OpenLineageSparkListener --conf spark.openlineage.transport.type=http --conf spark.openlineage.transport.url= --conf spark.openlineage.transport.endpoint=/api/v1/lineage --conf spark.openlineage.transport.auth.type=api_key --conf spark.openlineage.transport.auth.apiKey=aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-ddddd
  3. Set User Jars First Parameter

    Add the --user-jars-first parameter and set its value to true



To confirm that OpenLineage registration has been successful, check the logs for the following entry:

INFO SparkContext: Registered listener io.openlineage.spark.agent.OpenLineageSparkListener

If you see this log message, it indicates that OpenLineage has been correctly registered with your AWS Glue job.