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Version: 1.22.0



This integration is known to work with Trino 450 and later.

Trino is a distributed SQL query engine targeted for big data analytical workloads. Trino queries are typically run on Trino cluster, where distributed set of Trino workers provides compute power and Trino coordinator is responsible for query submission. By a rich set of available connectors, you can use Trino to execute SQL queries with the same exact syntax on different underlying systems - such as RDBMs databases, hive metastore, s3 and others.

Trino enables running queries for fetching the data as well as creating new structures - such as tables, views or materialized views.

To learn more about Trino, visit their documentation site.

How does Trino work with OpenLineage?

Collecting lineage in Trino requires configuring a plugin, which will use EventListener interface of Trino to extract lineage information from metadata available for this interface.

Trino OpenLineage Event Listener plugin will yield 2 events for each executed query - one for STARTED and one for SUCCEEDED/FAILED query. While first one already provides us with new job information, actual lineage information (inlets/outlets) will be available in the latter event.

This plugin supports both table and column level lineage.

Configuring Trino OpenLineage plugin

  1. Create configuration file named

Make sure to set:

  • __OPENLINEAGE_URL__ - address where OpenLineage API is reachable so plugin can post lineage information.
  • __TRINO_URI__ - address (preferably DNS) of a Trino cluster. It will be used for rendering dataset namespace.
  1. Extend properties file used to configure Trino coordinator with following line:

Make sure that the path to event-listener.config-files is recognizable by Trino coordinator.

Official documentation

Current documentation on Trino OpenLineage Event Listener with full list of available configuration options is maintained here.


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