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Version: 1.22.0

Preflight Check DAG


The preflight check DAG is created to verify the setup of OpenLineage within an Airflow environment. It checks the Airflow version, the version of the installed OpenLineage package, and the configuration settings read by the OpenLineage listener. This validation is crucial because, after setting up OpenLineage with Airflow and configuring necessary environment variables, users need confirmation that the setup is correctly done to start receiving OL events.

Configuration Variables

The DAG introduces two configurable variables that users can set according to their requirements:

  • BYPASS_LATEST_VERSION_CHECK: Set this to True to skip checking for the latest version of the OpenLineage package. This is useful when accessing the PyPI URL is not possible or if users prefer not to upgrade.
  • LINEAGE_BACKEND: This variable specifies the backend used for OpenLineage events ingestion. By default, it is set to MARQUEZ. Users utilizing a custom backend for OpenLineage should implement custom checks within the _verify_custom_backend function.


The DAG comprises several key functions, each designed to perform specific validations:

  1. Version Checks: It validates the installed OpenLineage package against the latest available version on PyPI, considering the BYPASS_LATEST_VERSION_CHECK flag.
  2. Airflow Version Compatibility: Ensures that the Airflow version is compatible with OpenLineage. OpenLineage requires Airflow version 2.1 or newer.
  3. Transport and Configuration Validation: Checks if necessary transport settings and configurations are set for OpenLineage to communicate with the specified backend.
  4. Backend Connectivity: Verifies the connection to the specified LINEAGE_BACKEND to ensure that OpenLineage can successfully send events.
  5. Listener Accessibility and OpenLineage Plugin Checks: Ensures that the OpenLineage listener is accessible and that OpenLineage is not disabled (by environment variable or config).

DAG Tasks

The DAG defines three main tasks that sequentially execute the above validations:

  1. validate_ol_installation: Confirms that the OpenLineage installation is correct and up-to-date.
  2. is_ol_accessible_and_enabled: Checks if OpenLineage is accessible and enabled within Airflow.
  3. validate_connection: Verifies the connection to the specified lineage backend.

Setup and Execution

To use this DAG:

  1. Ensure that OpenLineage is installed within your Airflow environment.
  2. Set the necessary environment variables for OpenLineage, such as the namespace and the URL or transport mechanism using provider package docs or OL docs.
  3. Configure the BYPASS_LATEST_VERSION_CHECK and LINEAGE_BACKEND variables as needed.
  4. Add the DAG file to your Airflow DAGs folder.
  5. Trigger the DAG manually or just enable it and allow it to run once automatically based on its schedule (@once) to perform the preflight checks.

Preflight check DAG code

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import attr

from packaging.version import Version

from airflow import DAG
from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow import __version__ as airflow_version
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago

# Set this to True to bypass the latest version check for OpenLineage package.
# Version check will be skipped if unable to access PyPI URL
# Update this to `CUSTOM` if using any other backend for OpenLineage events ingestion
# When using custom transport - implement custom checks in _verify_custom_backend function

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_latest_package_version(library_name: str) -> Version | None:
import requests

response = requests.get(f"{library_name}/json")
version_string = response.json()["info"]["version"]
return Version(version_string)
except Exception as e:
log.error(f"Failed to fetch latest version for `{library_name}` from PyPI: {e}")
return None

def _get_installed_package_version(library_name) -> Version | None:
from importlib.metadata import version

return Version(version(library_name))
except Exception as e:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"`{library_name}` is not installed") from e

def _provider_can_be_used() -> bool:
parsed_version = Version(airflow_version)
if parsed_version < Version("2.1"):
raise RuntimeError("OpenLineage is not supported in Airflow versions <2.1")
elif parsed_version >= Version("2.7"):
return True
return False

def validate_ol_installation() -> None:
library_name = "openlineage-airflow"
if _provider_can_be_used():
library_name = "apache-airflow-providers-openlineage"

library_version = _get_installed_package_version(library_name)
if Version(airflow_version) >= Version("2.10.0") and library_version < Version("1.8.0"):
raise ValueError(
f"Airflow version `{airflow_version}` requires `{library_name}` version >=1.8.0. "
f"Installed version: `{library_version}` "
f"Please upgrade the package using `pip install --upgrade {library_name}`"
if BYPASS_LATEST_VERSION_CHECK:"Bypassing the latest version check for `{library_name}`")

latest_version = _get_latest_package_version(library_name)
if latest_version is None:
log.warning(f"Failed to fetch the latest version for `{library_name}`. Skipping version check.")

if library_version < latest_version:
raise ValueError(
f"`{library_name}` is out of date. "
f"Installed version: `{library_version}`, "
f"Required version: `{latest_version}`"
f"Please upgrade the package using `pip install --upgrade {library_name}` or set BYPASS_LATEST_VERSION_CHECK to True"

def _is_transport_set() -> None:
transport = conf.get("openlineage", "transport", fallback="")
if transport:
raise ValueError(
"Transport value found: `%s`\n"
"Please check the format at "
)"Airflow OL transport is not set.")

def _is_config_set(provider: bool = True) -> None:
if provider:
config_path = conf.get("openlineage", "config_path", fallback="")
config_path = os.getenv("OPENLINEAGE_CONFIG", "")

if config_path and not _check_openlineage_yml(config_path):
raise ValueError(
"Config file is empty or does not exist: `%s`",
)"OL config is not set.")

def _check_openlineage_yml(file_path) -> bool:
file_path = os.path.expanduser(file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
with open(file_path, "r") as file:
content =
if not content:
raise ValueError(f"Empty file: `{file_path}`")
raise ValueError(
f"File found at `{file_path}` with the following content: `{content}`. "
"Make sure there the configuration is correct."
)"File not found: `%s`", file_path)
return False

def _check_http_env_vars() -> None:
from urllib.parse import urljoin

final_url = urljoin(os.getenv("OPENLINEAGE_URL", ""), os.getenv("OPENLINEAGE_ENDPOINT", ""))
if final_url:
raise ValueError("OPENLINEAGE_URL and OPENLINEAGE_ENDPOINT are set to: %s", final_url)
"Please set up OpenLineage using documentation at "

def _debug_missing_transport():
if _provider_can_be_used():
raise ValueError("OpenLineage is missing configuration, please refer to the OL setup docs.")

def _is_listener_accessible():
if _provider_can_be_used():
from airflow.providers.openlineage.plugins.openlineage import OpenLineageProviderPlugin as plugin
except ImportError as e:
raise ValueError("OpenLineage provider is not accessible") from e
from openlineage.airflow.plugin import OpenLineagePlugin as plugin
except ImportError as e:
raise ValueError("OpenLineage is not accessible") from e

if len(plugin.listeners) == 1:
return True

return False

def _is_ol_disabled():
if _provider_can_be_used():
# apache-airflow-providers-openlineage >= 1.7.0
from airflow.providers.openlineage.conf import is_disabled
except ImportError:
# apache-airflow-providers-openlineage < 1.7.0
from airflow.providers.openlineage.plugins.openlineage import _is_disabled as is_disabled
from openlineage.airflow.plugin import _is_disabled as is_disabled

if is_disabled():
if _provider_can_be_used() and conf.getboolean("openlineage", "disabled", fallback=False):
raise ValueError("OpenLineage is disabled in airflow.cfg: openlineage.disabled")
elif os.getenv("OPENLINEAGE_DISABLED", "false").lower() == "true":
raise ValueError(
"OpenLineage is disabled due to the environment variable OPENLINEAGE_DISABLED"
raise ValueError(
"OpenLineage is disabled because required config/env variables are not set. "
"Please refer to "
return False

def _get_transport():
if _provider_can_be_used():
from airflow.providers.openlineage.plugins.openlineage import OpenLineageProviderPlugin
transport = OpenLineageProviderPlugin().listeners[0].adapter.get_or_create_openlineage_client().transport
from openlineage.airflow.plugin import OpenLineagePlugin
transport = (
return transport

def is_ol_accessible_and_enabled():
if not _is_listener_accessible():

transport = _get_transport()
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("There was an error when trying to build transport.") from e

if transport is None or transport.kind in ("noop", "console"):

def validate_connection():
transport = _get_transport()
config = attr.asdict(transport.config)
verify_backend(LINEAGE_BACKEND, config)

def verify_backend(backend_type: str, config: dict):
backend_type = backend_type.lower()
if backend_type == "marquez":
return _verify_marquez_http_backend(config)
elif backend_type == "atlan":
return _verify_atlan_http_backend(config)
elif backend_type == "custom":
return _verify_custom_backend(config)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported backend type: {backend_type}")

def _verify_marquez_http_backend(config):"Checking Marquez setup")
ol_url = config["url"]
ol_endpoint = config["endpoint"] # "api/v1/lineage"
marquez_prefix_path = ol_endpoint[: ol_endpoint.rfind("/") + 1] # "api/v1/"
list_namespace_url = ol_url + "/" + marquez_prefix_path + "namespaces"
import requests

response = requests.get(list_namespace_url)
except Exception as e:
raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to connect to Marquez at `{list_namespace_url}`") from e"Airflow is able to access the URL")

def _verify_atlan_http_backend(config):
raise NotImplementedError("This feature is not implemented yet")

def _verify_custom_backend(config):
raise NotImplementedError("This feature is not implemented yet")

with DAG(
description="A DAG to check OpenLineage setup and configurations",
) as dag:
validate_ol_installation_task = PythonOperator(

is_ol_accessible_and_enabled_task = PythonOperator(

validate_connection_task = PythonOperator(

validate_ol_installation_task >> is_ol_accessible_and_enabled_task
is_ol_accessible_and_enabled_task >> validate_connection_task


The OpenLineage Preflight Check DAG serves as a vital tool for ensuring that the OpenLineage setup within Airflow is correct and fully operational. By following the instructions and configurations documented here, users can confidently verify their setup and start utilizing OpenLineage for monitoring and managing data lineage within their Airflow workflows.