Airflow: add dag_run information to Airflow version run facet #1133@fm100 Adds the Airflow DAG run ID to the taskInfo facet, making this additional information available to the integration.
Airflow: add LoggingMixin to extractors #1149@JDarDagran Adds a LoggingMixin class to the custom extractor to make the output consistent with general Airflow and OpenLineage logging settings.
Airflow: add default extractor #1162@mobuchowski Adds a DefaultExtractor to support the default implementation of OpenLineage for external operators without the need for custom extractors.
Airflow: add on_complete argument in DefaultExtractor#1188@JDarDagran Adds support for running another method on extract_on_complete.
SQL: reorganize the library into multiple packages #1167@StarostaGit@mobuchowski Splits the SQL library into a Rust implementation and foreign language bindings, easing the process of adding language interfaces. Also contains CI fix.
Airflow: move get_connection_uri as extractor's classmethod #1169@JDarDagran The get_connection_uri method allowed for too many params, resulting in unnecessarily long URIs. This changes the logic to whitelisting per extractor.
Airflow: change get_openlineage_facets_on_start/complete behavior #1201@JDarDagran Splits up the method for greater legibility and easier maintenance.
Airflow: always send SQL in SqlJobFacet as a string #1143@mobuchowski Changes the data type of query from array to string to an fix error in the RedshiftSQLOperator.
Airflow: include __extra__ case when filtering URI query params #1144@JDarDagran Includes the conn.EXTRA_KEY in the get_connection_uri method to avoid exposing secrets in URIs via the __extra__ key.
Airflow: enforce column casing in SQLCheckExtractors #1159@denimalpaca Uses the parent extractor's _is_uppercase_names property to determine if the column should be upper cased in the SQLColumnCheckExtractor's _get_input_facets() method.
Spark: prevent exception when no schema provided #1180@pawel-big-lebowski Prevents evaluation of column lineage when the schemaFacet is null.
Great Expectations: add V3 API compatibility #1194@denimalpaca Fixes the Pandas datasource to make it V3 API-compatible.