Spark Config Parameters
The following parameters can be specified:
Parameter | Definition | Example |
spark.openlineage.transport.type | The transport type used for event emit, default type is console | http |
spark.openlineage.namespace | The default namespace to be applied for any jobs submitted | MyNamespace |
spark.openlineage.parentJobNamespace | The job namespace to be used for the parent job facet | ParentJobNamespace |
spark.openlineage.parentJobName | The job name to be used for the parent job facet | ParentJobName |
spark.openlineage.parentRunId | The RunId of the parent job that initiated this Spark job | xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx |
spark.openlineage.appName | Custom value overwriting Spark app name in events | AppName |
spark.openlineage.facets.disabled | Deprecated: Use the property spark.openlineage.facets<facet name>.disabled instead. List of facets to filter out from the events, enclosed in [] (required from 0.21.x) and separated by ; , default is [] | [columnLineage;] |
spark.openlineage.facets.<facet name>.disabled | If set to true, it disables the specific facet. The default value is false . The name of the facet can be hierarchical. The facets disabled by default are debug , spark.logicalPlan and spark_unknown . You have to switch the flag to false to enable them. | true |
spark.openlineage.facets.variables | List of environment variables (System.getenv() | [columnLineage;] |
spark.openlineage.capturedProperties | comma separated list of properties to be captured in spark properties facet (default spark.master , ) | "spark.example1,spark.example2" |
spark.openlineage.dataset.removePath.pattern | Java regular expression that removes ?<remove> named group from dataset path. Can be used to last path subdirectories from paths like s3://my-whatever-path/year=2023/month=04 | (.*)(?<remove>\/.*\/.*) |
spark.openlineage.jobName.appendDatasetName | Decides whether output dataset name should be appended to job name. By default true . | false |
spark.openlineage.jobName.replaceDotWithUnderscore | Replaces dots in job name with underscore. Can be used to mimic legacy behaviour on Databricks platform. By default false . | false |
spark.openlineage.job.owners.<ownership-type> | Specifies ownership of the job. Multiple entries with different types are allowed. Config key name and value are used to create job ownership type and name (available since 1.13). |"Some Team" |
spark.openlineage.job.tags | List of job-level tags. Tags are passed in a string, with key:value information separated by colon : , and tags being separated by semicolon ; | "key:value;label;another:tag" | | List of run-level tags. Tags are passed in a string, with key:value information separated by colon : , and tags being separated by semicolon ; | "key:value;label;another:tag" |
spark.openlineage.debugFacet | Determines whether debug facet shall be generated and included within the event. Set enabled to turn it on. By default, facet is disabled. | enabled |
spark.openlineage.columnLineage.datasetLineageEnabled | Makes the dataset dependencies to be included in their own property dataset in the column lineage pattern. If this flag is set to false , then the dataset dependencies are merged into fields property. The default value is false . It is recommended to set it to true | true |
spark.openlineage.vendors.iceberg.metricsReporterDisabled | Disables metrics reporter for Iceberg which turns off mechanism to collect scan and commit reports. | false |
spark.openlineage.filter.allowedSparkNodes | List of Spark plan nodes' names separated with ; and enclosed within [] . Some Spark nodes are filtered by default to not trigger OpenLineage events. This setting allows to override default behaviour and remove filtering for specified nodes. Example usage: [org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Aggregate] will enable events for Aggregate nodes | empty list |
spark.openlineage.filter.deniedSparkNodes | List of Spark plan nodes' names separated with ; and enclosed within [] . Some Spark nodes are filtered by default to not trigger OpenLineage events. This setting allows to override default behaviour and add more nodes to filter. | empty list |