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Version: 1.27.0


Tip: See current list of all supported transports.


Allows sending events to HTTP endpoint, using ApacheHTTPClient.


  • type - string, must be "http". Required.
  • url - string, base url for HTTP requests. Required.
  • endpoint - string specifying the endpoint to which events are sent, appended to url. Optional, default: /api/v1/lineage.
  • urlParams - dictionary specifying query parameters send in HTTP requests. Optional.
  • timeoutInMillis - integer specifying timeout (in milliseconds) value used while connecting to server. Optional, default: 5000.
  • auth - dictionary specifying authentication options. Optional, by default no authorization is used. If set, requires the type property.
    • type - string specifying the "api_key" or the fully qualified class name of your TokenProvider. Required if auth is provided.
    • apiKey - string setting the Authentication HTTP header as the Bearer. Required if type is api_key.
  • headers - dictionary specifying HTTP request headers. Optional.
  • compression - string, name of algorithm used by HTTP client to compress request body. Optional, default value null, allowed values: gzip. Added in v1.13.0.


Events are serialized to JSON, and then are send as HTTP POST request with Content-Type: application/json.


Anonymous connection:

type: http
url: http://localhost:5000

With authorization:

type: http
url: http://localhost:5000
type: api_key
api_key: f38d2189-c603-4b46-bdea-e573a3b5a7d5

Full example:

type: http
url: http://localhost:5000
endpoint: /api/v1/lineage
param0: value0
param1: value1
timeoutInMillis: 5000
type: api_key
api_key: f38d2189-c603-4b46-bdea-e573a3b5a7d5
X-Some-Extra-Header: abc
compression: gzip


If a transport type is set to kafka, then the below parameters would be read and used when building KafkaProducer. This transport requires the artifact org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients:3.1.0 (or compatible) on your classpath.


  • type - string, must be "kafka". Required.

  • topicName - string specifying the topic on what events will be sent. Required.

  • properties - a dictionary containing a Kafka producer config as in Kafka producer config. Required.

  • localServerId - deprecated, renamed to messageKey since v1.13.0.

  • messageKey - string, key for all Kafka messages produced by transport. Optional, default value described below. Added in v1.13.0.

    Default values for messageKey are:

    • run:{parentJob.namespace}/{} - for RunEvent with parent facet
    • run:{job.namespace}/{} - for RunEvent
    • job:{job.namespace}/{} - for JobEvent
    • dataset:{dataset.namespace}/{} - for DatasetEvent


Events are serialized to JSON, and then dispatched to the Kafka topic.


It is recommended to provide messageKey if Job hierarchy is used. It can be any string, but it should be the same for all jobs in hierarchy, like Airflow task -> Spark application -> Spark task runs.


type: kafka
bootstrap.servers: localhost:9092,
acks: all
retries: 3
key.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
value.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
messageKey: some-value

Notes: It is recommended to provide messageKey if Job hierarchy is used. It can be any string, but it should be the same for all jobs in hierarchy, like Airflow task -> Spark application.

Default values are:

  • run:{parentJob.namespace}/{}/{} - for RunEvent with parent facet
  • run:{job.namespace}/{}/{} - for RunEvent
  • job:{job.namespace}/{} - for JobEvent
  • dataset:{dataset.namespace}/{} - for DatasetEvent


This straightforward transport emits OpenLineage events directly to the console through a logger. No additional configuration is required.


Events are serialized to JSON. Then each event is logged with INFO level to logger with name ConsoleTransport.


Be cautious when using the DEBUG log level, as it might result in double-logging due to the OpenLineageClient also logging.


  • type - string, must be "console". Required.


type: console


Designed mainly for integration testing, the FileTransport emits OpenLineage events to a given file.


  • type - string, must be "file". Required.
  • location - string specifying the path of the file. Required.


  • If the target file is absent, it's created.
  • Events are serialized to JSON, and then appended to a file, separated by newlines.
  • Intrinsic newline characters within the event JSON are eliminated to ensure one-line events.

Notes for Yarn/Kubernetes

This transport type is pretty useless on Spark/Flink applications deployed to Yarn or Kubernetes cluster:

  • Each executor will write file to a local filesystem of Yarn container/K8s pod. So resulting file will be removed when such container/pod is destroyed.
  • Kubernetes persistent volumes are not destroyed after pod removal. But all the executors will write to the same network disk in parallel, producing a broken file.


type: file
location: /path/to/your/file


The CompositeTransport is designed to combine multiple transports, allowing event emission to several destinations. This is useful when events need to be sent to multiple targets, such as a logging system and an API endpoint. The events are delivered sequentially - one after another in a defined order.


  • type - string, must be "composite". Required.
  • transports - a list or a map of transport configurations. Required.
  • continueOnFailure - boolean flag, determines if the process should continue even when one of the transports fails. Default is true.
  • withThreadPool - boolean flag, determines if a thread pool for parallel event emission should be kept between event emissions. Default is true.


  • The configured transports will be initialized and used in sequence (sorted by transport name) to emit OpenLineage events.
  • If continueOnFailure is set to false, a failure in one transport will stop the event emission process, and an exception will be raised.
  • If continueOnFailure is true, the failure will be logged, but the remaining transports will still attempt to send the event.

Notes for Multiple Transports

The composite transport can be used with any OpenLineage transport (e.g. HttpTransport, KafkaTransport, etc). Ideal for scenarios where OpenLineage events need to reach multiple destinations for redundancy or different types of processing.

The transports configuration can be provided in two formats:

  1. A list of transport configurations, where each transport may optionally include a name field.
  2. A map of transport configurations, where the key acts as the name for each transport. The map format is particularly useful for configurations set via environment variables or Java properties, providing a more convenient and flexible setup.
Why are transport names used?

Transport names are not required for basic functionality. Their primary purpose is to enable configuration of composite transports via environment variables, which is only supported when names are defined.


type: composite
continueOnFailure: true
- type: http
name: my_http
- type: kafka
bootstrap.servers: localhost:9092,
acks: all
retries: 3
key.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
value.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
messageKey: some-value
continueOnFailure: true


The TransformTransport is designed to enable event manipulation before emitting the event. Together with CompositeTransport, it can be used to send different events into multiple backends.


  • type - string, must be "transform". Required.
  • transformerClass - class name of the event transformer. Class has to implement io.openlineage.client.transports.transform.EventTransformer interface and provide public no-arg constructor. Class needs to be available on the classpath. Required.
  • transformerProperties - Extra properties that can be passed into transformerClass based on the configuration. Optional.
  • transport - Transport configuration to emit modified events. Required.


  • The configured transformerClass will be used to alter events before the emission.
  • Modified events will be passed into the configured transport for further processing.
  • In case of returning null, the event will be skipped.

EventTransformer interface

public class CustomEventTransformer implements EventTransformer {
public void initialize(Map<String, String> properties) { ... }

public RunEvent transform(RunEvent event) { ... }

public DatasetEvent transform(DatasetEvent event) { .. }

public JobEvent transform(JobEvent event) { ... }


type: transform
transformerClass: io.openlineage.CustomEventTransformer
key1: value1
key2: value2
type: http
name: my_http


To use this transport in your project, you need to include io.openlineage:transports-gcplineage artifact in your build configuration. This is particularly important for environments like Spark, where this transport must be on the classpath for lineage events to be emitted correctly.


  • type - string, must be "gcplineage". Required.
  • endpoint - string, specifies the endpoint to which events are sent, default value is Optional.
  • projectId - string, the project quota identifier. If not provided, it is determined based on user credentials. Optional.
  • location - string, Dataplex location. Optional, default: "us".
  • credentialsFile - string, path to the Service Account credentials JSON file. Optional, if not provided Application Default Credentials are used
  • mode - enum that specifies the type of client used for publishing OpenLineage events to GCP Lineage service. Possible values: sync (synchronous) or async (asynchronous). Optional, default: async.


  • Events are serialized to JSON, included as part of a gRPC request, and then dispatched to the GCP Lineage service endpoint.
  • Depending on the mode chosen, requests are sent using either a synchronous or asynchronous client.


type: gcplineage
projectId: your_gcp_project_id
location: us
mode: sync
credentialsFile: path/to/credentials.json

Google Cloud Storage

To use this transport in your project, you need to include io.openlineage:transports-gcs artifact in your build configuration. This is particularly important for environments like Spark, where this transport must be on the classpath for lineage events to be emitted correctly.


  • type - string, must be "gcs". Required.
  • projectId - string, the project quota identifier. Required.
  • credentialsFile - string, path to the Service Account credentials JSON file. Optional, if not provided Application Default Credentials are used
  • bucketName - string, the GCS bucket name. Required
  • fileNamePrefix - string, prefix for the event file names. Optional.


  • Events are serialized to JSON and stored in the specified GCS bucket.
  • Each event file is named based on its eventTime, converted to epoch milliseconds, with an optional prefix if configured.
  • Two constructors are available: one accepting both Storage and GcsTransportConfig and another solely accepting GcsTransportConfig.


type: gcs
bucketName: my-gcs-bucket
fileNamePrefix: /file/name/prefix/
credentialsFile: path/to/credentials.json


To use this transport in your project, you need to include the following dependency in your build configuration. This is particularly important for environments like Spark, where this transport must be on the classpath for lineage events to be emitted correctly.




  • type - string, must be "s3". Required.
  • endpoint - string, the endpoint for S3 compliant service like MinIO, Ceph, etc. Optional
  • bucketName - string, the S3 bucket name. Required
  • fileNamePrefix - string, prefix for the event file names. It is separated from the timestamp with underscore. It can include path and file name prefix. Optional.

To authenticate, the transport uses the default credentials provider chain. The possible authentication methods include:

  • Java system properties
  • Environment variables
  • Shared credentials config file (by default ~/.aws/config)
  • EC2 instance credentials (convenient in EMR and Glue)
  • and other

Refer to the documentation for details.


  • Events are serialized to JSON and stored in the specified S3 bucket.
  • Each event file is named based on its eventTime, converted to epoch milliseconds, with an optional prefix if configured.


type: s3
bucketName: events
fileNamePrefix: my/service/events/event