0.4.0 - 2021-12-13
- Spark output metrics @OleksandrDvornik
- Separated tests between Spark 2 & 3 @pawel-big-lebowski
- Databricks install README and init scripts @wjohnson
- Iceberg integration with unit tests @pawel-big-lebowski
- Kafka read and write support @OleksandrDvornik / @collado-mike
- Arbitrary parameters supported in HTTP URL construction @wjohnson
- Increased visitor coverage for Spark commands @mobuchowski / @pawel-big-lebowski
- dbt: column descriptions are properly filled from metadata.json @mobuchowski
- dbt: allow parsing artifacts with version higher than officially supported @mobuchowski
- dbt: dbt build command is supported @mobuchowski
- dbt: fix crash when build command is used with seeds in dbt 1.0.0rc3 @mobuchowski
- spark: increase logical plan visitor coverage @mobuchowski
- spark: fix logical serialization recursion issue @OleksandrDvornik
- Use URL#getFile to fix build on Windows @mobuchowski