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Version: 1.22.0

Understanding and Using Facets

Adapted from the OpenLineage spec.

Facets are pieces of metadata that can be attached to the core entities of the spec:

  • Run
  • Job
  • Dataset (Inputs or Outputs)

A facet is an atomic piece of metadata identified by its name. This means that emitting a new facet with the same name for the same entity replaces the previous facet instance for that entity entirely. It is defined as a JSON object that can be either part of the spec or a custom facet defined in a different project.

Custom facets must use a distinct prefix named after the project defining them to avoid collision with standard facets defined in the OpenLineage.json spec. They have a \_schemaURL field pointing to the corresponding version of the facet schema (as a JSONPointer: $ref URL location ).

For example:

The versioned URL must be an immutable pointer to the version of the facet schema. For example, it should include a tag of a git sha and not a branch name. This should also be a canonical URL. There should be only one URL used for a given version of a schema.

Custom facets can be promoted to the standard by including them in the spec.

Custom Facet Naming

The naming of custom facets should follow the pattern {prefix}{name}{entity}Facet PascalCased.
The prefix must be a distinct identifier named after the project defining it to avoid collision with standard facets defined in the OpenLineage.json spec. The entity is the core entity for which the facet is attached.

When attached to the core entity, the key should follow the pattern {prefix}_{name}, where both prefix and name follow snakeCase pattern.

An example of a valid name is BigQueryStatisticsJobFacet and its key bigQuery_statistics.

Standard Facets

Run Facets

  • nominalTime: Captures the time this run is scheduled for. This is a typical usage for time based scheduled job. The job has a nominal schedule time that will be different from the actual time it is running at.

  • parent: Captures the parent job and Run when the run was spawn from a parent run. For example in the case of Airflow, there's a run for the DAG that then spawns runs for individual tasks that would refer to the parent run as the DAG run. Similarly when a SparkOperator starts a Spark job, this creates a separate run that refers to the task run as its parent.

  • errorMessage: Captures potential error message, programming language - and optionally stack trace - with which the run failed.

Job Facets

  • sourceCodeLocation: Captures the source code location and version (e.g., the git sha) of the job.

  • sourceCode: Captures the language (e.g., Python) and actual source code of the job.

  • sql: Capture the SQL query if this job is a SQL query.

  • ownership: Captures the owners of the job.

Dataset Facets

  • schema: Captures the schema of the dataset.

  • dataSource: Captures the database instance containing this dataset (e.g., Database schema, Object store bucket, etc.)

  • lifecycleStateChange: Captures the lifecycle states of the dataset (e.g., alter, create, drop, overwrite, rename, truncate).

  • version: Captures the dataset version when versioning is defined by database (e.g., Iceberg snapshot ID).

  • columnLineage: Captures the column-level lineage.

  • ownership: Captures the owners of the dataset.

Input Dataset Facets

  • dataQualityMetrics: Captures dataset-level and column-level data quality metrics when scanning a dataset with a DataQuality library (row count, byte size, null count, distinct count, average, min, max, quantiles).

  • dataQualityAssertions: Captures the result of running data tests on a dataset or its columns.

Output Dataset Facets

  • outputStatistics: Captures the size of the output written to a dataset (row count and byte size).