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Version: 1.22.0


OpenLineage provides an integration with Apache Airflow. As Airflow is actively developed and major changes happen quite often it is advised to test OpenLineage integration against multiple Airflow versions. In the current CI process OpenLineage is tested against following versions:

  • 2.1.4 (2.0+ upgrade)
  • 2.2.4
  • 2.3.4 (TaskListener API introduced)
  • 2.4.3
  • 2.5.2
  • 2.6.1

Unit tests

In order to make running unit tests against multiple Airflow versions easier there is possibility to use tox. To run unit tests against all configured Airflow versions just run:


You can also list existing environments with:

tox -l

that should list:


Then you can run tests in chosen environment, e.g.:

tox -e py3-airflow-2.3.4

setup.cfg contains tox-related configuration. By default tox command runs:

  1. flake8 linting
  2. pytest command

Additionally, outside of tox you should run mypy static code analysis. You can do that with:

python -m mypy openlineage

Integration tests

Integration tests are located in tests/integration/tests directory. They require running Docker containers to provision local test environment: Airflow components (worker, scheduler), databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL) and OpenLineage events consumer.

How to run

Integration tests require usage of docker compose. There are scripts prepared to make build images and run tests easier.

AIRFLOW_IMAGE=<name-of-airflow-image> ./tests/integration/docker/


AIRFLOW_IMAGE=apache/airflow:2.3.4-python3.7 ./tests/integration/docker/

What tests are ran

The actual setup is to run all defined Airflow DAGs, collect OpenLineage events and check if they meet requirements. The test you should pay most attention to is test_integration. It compares produced events to expected JSON structures recursively, with a respect if fields are not missing.

Some of the tests are skipped if database connection specific environment variables are not set. The example is set of SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD and SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT_ID variables.

View stored OpenLineage events

OpenLineage events produced from Airflow runs are stored locally in ./tests/integration/tests/events directory. The files are not overwritten, rather new events are appended to existing files.

Example how to add new integration test

Let's take following CustomOperator for which we should add CustomExtractor and test it. First we create DAG in integration tests DAGs folder: airflow/tests/integration/tests/airflow/dags.

from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
from airflow import DAG

default_args = {
'depends_on_past': False,
'start_date': days_ago(7)

dag = DAG(

class CustomOperator(BaseOperator):
def execute(self, context: Any):
for i in range(10):

t1 = CustomOperator(

In the same folder we create

from typing import Union, Optional, List

from import Dataset
from openlineage.airflow.extractors import TaskMetadata
from openlineage.airflow.extractors.base import BaseExtractor

class CustomExtractor(BaseExtractor):
def get_operator_classnames(cls) -> List[str]:
return ['CustomOperator']

def extract(self) -> Union[Optional[TaskMetadata], List[TaskMetadata]]:
return TaskMetadata(

Typically we want to compare produced metadata against expected. In order to do that we create JSON file custom_extractor.json in airflow/tests/integration/requests:

"eventType": "START",
"inputs": [{
"facets": {},
"name": "dataset",
"namespace": "test"
"job": {
"facets": {
"documentation": {
"description": "Test dag."
"name": "custom_extractor.custom_extractor",
"namespace": "food_delivery"
"run": {
"facets": {
"airflow_runArgs": {
"externalTrigger": false
"parent": {
"job": {
"name": "custom_extractor",
"namespace": "food_delivery"
"eventType": "COMPLETE",
"inputs": [{
"facets": {},
"name": "dataset",
"namespace": "test"
"job": {
"facets": {},
"name": "custom_extractor.custom_extractor",
"namespace": "food_delivery"

and add parameter for test_integration in airflow/tests/integration/

("source_code_dag", "requests/source_code.json"),
+ ("custom_extractor", "requests/custom_extractor.json"),
("unknown_operator_dag", "requests/unknown_operator.json"),

That should setup a check for existence of both START and COMPLETE events, custom input facet and correct job facet.

Full example can be found in source code available in integration tests directory.