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Version: 1.21.1


We recommend configuring the client with an openlineage.yml file that contains all the details of how to connect to your OpenLineage backend.

See example configurations.

You can make this file available to the client in three ways (the list also presents precedence of the configuration):

  1. Set an OPENLINEAGE_CONFIG environment variable to a file path: OPENLINEAGE_CONFIG=path/to/openlineage.yml.
  2. Place an openlineage.yml in the user's current working directory.
  3. Place an openlineage.yml under .openlineage/ in the user's home directory (~/.openlineage/openlineage.yml).

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are available:

OPENLINEAGE_CONFIGThe path to the YAML configuration file. Example: path/to/openlineage.yml
OPENLINEAGE_DISABLEDWhen true, OpenLineage will not emit events.0.9.0

Facets Configuration

In YAML configuration file you can also disable facets to filter them out from the OpenLineage event.

YAML Configuration

type: console
disabled: true
disabled: true

Deprecated syntax

The following syntax is deprecated and soon will be removed:

type: console
- spark_unknown
- spark.logicalPlan

The rationale behind deprecation is that some of the facets were disabled by default in some integrations. When we added something extra but didn't include the defaults, they were unintentionally enabled.


Tip: See current list of all supported transports.


Allows sending events to HTTP endpoint, using ApacheHTTPClient.


  • type - string, must be "http". Required.
  • url - string, base url for HTTP requests. Required.
  • endpoint - string specifying the endpoint to which events are sent, appended to url. Optional, default: /api/v1/lineage.
  • urlParams - dictionary specifying query parameters send in HTTP requests. Optional.
  • timeoutInMillis - integer specifying timeout (in milliseconds) value used while connecting to server. Optional, default: 5000.
  • auth - dictionary specifying authentication options. Optional, by default no authorization is used. If set, requires the type property.
    • type - string specifying the "api_key" or the fully qualified class name of your TokenProvider. Required if auth is provided.
    • apiKey - string setting the Authentication HTTP header as the Bearer. Required if type is api_key.
  • headers - dictionary specifying HTTP request headers. Optional.
  • compression - string, name of algorithm used by HTTP client to compress request body. Optional, default value null, allowed values: gzip. Added in v1.13.0.


Events are serialized to JSON, and then are send as HTTP POST request with Content-Type: application/json.


Anonymous connection:

type: http
url: http://localhost:5000

With authorization:

type: http
url: http://localhost:5000
type: api_key
api_key: f38d2189-c603-4b46-bdea-e573a3b5a7d5

Full example:

type: http
url: http://localhost:5000
endpoint: /api/v1/lineage
param0: value0
param1: value1
timeoutInMillis: 5000
type: api_key
api_key: f38d2189-c603-4b46-bdea-e573a3b5a7d5
X-Some-Extra-Header: abc
compression: gzip


If a transport type is set to kafka, then the below parameters would be read and used when building KafkaProducer. This transport requires the artifact org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients:3.1.0 (or compatible) on your classpath.


  • type - string, must be "kafka". Required.

  • topicName - string specifying the topic on what events will be sent. Required.

  • properties - a dictionary containing a Kafka producer config as in Kafka producer config. Required.

  • localServerId - deprecated, renamed to messageKey since v1.13.0.

  • messageKey - string, key for all Kafka messages produced by transport. Optional, default value described below. Added in v1.13.0.

    Default values for messageKey are:

    • run:{parentJob.namespace}/{} - for RunEvent with parent facet
    • run:{job.namespace}/{} - for RunEvent
    • job:{job.namespace}/{} - for JobEvent
    • dataset:{dataset.namespace}/{} - for DatasetEvent


Events are serialized to JSON, and then dispatched to the Kafka topic.


It is recommended to provide messageKey if Job hierarchy is used. It can be any string, but it should be the same for all jobs in hierarchy, like Airflow task -> Spark application -> Spark task runs.


type: kafka
bootstrap.servers: localhost:9092,
acks: all
retries: 3
key.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
value.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
messageKey: some-value

Notes: It is recommended to provide messageKey if Job hierarchy is used. It can be any string, but it should be the same for all jobs in hierarchy, like Airflow task -> Spark application.

Default values are:

  • run:{parentJob.namespace}/{}/{} - for RunEvent with parent facet
  • run:{job.namespace}/{}/{} - for RunEvent
  • job:{job.namespace}/{} - for JobEvent
  • dataset:{dataset.namespace}/{} - for DatasetEvent


If a transport type is set to kinesis, then the below parameters would be read and used when building KinesisProducer. Also, KinesisTransport depends on you to provide artifact com.amazonaws:amazon-kinesis-producer:0.14.0 or compatible on your classpath.


  • type - string, must be "kinesis". Required.
  • streamName - the streamName of the Kinesis. Required.
  • region - the region of the Kinesis. Required.
  • roleArn - the roleArn which is allowed to read/write to Kinesis stream. Optional.
  • properties - a dictionary that contains a Kinesis allowed properties. Optional.


  • Events are serialized to JSON, and then dispatched to the Kinesis stream.
  • The partition key is generated as {jobNamespace}:{jobName}.
  • Two constructors are available: one accepting both KinesisProducer and KinesisConfig and another solely accepting KinesisConfig.


type: kinesis
streamName: your_kinesis_stream_name
region: your_aws_region
roleArn: arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name
VerifyCertificate: true
ConnectTimeout: 6000


This straightforward transport emits OpenLineage events directly to the console through a logger. No additional configuration is required.


Events are serialized to JSON. Then each event is logged with INFO level to logger with name ConsoleTransport.


Be cautious when using the DEBUG log level, as it might result in double-logging due to the OpenLineageClient also logging.


  • type - string, must be "console". Required.


type: console


Designed mainly for integration testing, the FileTransport emits OpenLineage events to a given file.


  • type - string, must be "file". Required.
  • location - string specifying the path of the file. Required.


  • If the target file is absent, it's created.
  • Events are serialized to JSON, and then appended to a file, separated by newlines.
  • Intrinsic newline characters within the event JSON are eliminated to ensure one-line events.

Notes for Yarn/Kubernetes

This transport type is pretty useless on Spark/Flink applications deployed to Yarn or Kubernetes cluster:

  • Each executor will write file to a local filesystem of Yarn container/K8s pod. So resulting file will be removed when such container/pod is destroyed.
  • Kubernetes persistent volumes are not destroyed after pod removal. But all the executors will write to the same network disk in parallel, producing a broken file.


type: file
location: /path/to/your/file

Error Handling via Transport

// Connect to http://localhost:5000
OpenLineageClient client = OpenLineageClient.builder()
.registerErrorHandler(new EmitErrorHandler() {
public void handleError(Throwable throwable) {
// Handle emit error here

Defining Your Own Transport

OpenLineageClient client = OpenLineageClient.builder()
new MyTransport() {
public void emit(OpenLineage.RunEvent runEvent) {
// Add emit logic here

Circuit Breakers


This feature is available in OpenLineage versions >= 1.9.0.

To prevent from over-instrumentation OpenLineage integration provides a circuit breaker mechanism that stops OpenLineage from creating, serializing and sending OpenLineage events.

Simple Memory Circuit Breaker

Simple circuit breaker which is working based only on free memory within JVM. Configuration should contain free memory threshold limit (percentage). Default value is 20%. The circuit breaker will close within first call if free memory is low. circuitCheckIntervalInMillis parameter is used to configure a frequency circuit breaker is called. Default value is 1000ms, when no entry in config. timeoutInSeconds is optional. If set, OpenLineage code execution is terminated when a timeout is reached (added in version 1.13).

type: simpleMemory
memoryThreshold: 20
circuitCheckIntervalInMillis: 1000
timeoutInSeconds: 90

Java Runtime Circuit Breaker

More complex version of circuit breaker. The amount of free memory can be low as long as amount of time spent on Garbage Collection is acceptable. JavaRuntimeCircuitBreaker closes when free memory drops below threshold and amount of time spent on garbage collection exceeds given threshold (10% by default). The circuit breaker is always open when checked for the first time as GC threshold is computed since the previous circuit breaker call. circuitCheckIntervalInMillis parameter is used to configure a frequency circuit breaker is called. Default value is 1000ms, when no entry in config. timeoutInSeconds is optional. If set, OpenLineage code execution is terminated when a timeout is reached (added in version 1.13).

type: javaRuntime
memoryThreshold: 20
gcCpuThreshold: 10
circuitCheckIntervalInMillis: 1000
timeoutInSeconds: 90

Custom Circuit Breaker

List of available circuit breakers can be extended with custom one loaded via ServiceLoader with own implementation of io.openlineage.client.circuitBreaker.CircuitBreakerBuilder.



This feature is available in OpenLineage 1.11 and above

To ease the operational experience of using the OpenLineage integrations, this document details the metrics collected by the Java client and the configuration settings for various metric backends.

Metrics collected by Java Client

The following table outlines the metrics collected by the OpenLineage Java client, which help in monitoring the integration's performance:

openlineage.emit.startNumber of events the integration started to sendCounter
openlineage.emit.completeNumber of events the integration completed sendingCounter
openlineage.emit.timeTime spent on emitting eventsTimer
openlineage.circuitbreaker.engagedStatus of the Circuit Breaker (engaged or not)Gauge

Metric Backends

OpenLineage uses Micrometer for metrics collection, similar to how SLF4J operates for logging. Micrometer provides a facade over different metric backends, allowing metrics to be dispatched to various destinations.

Configuring Metric Backends

Below are the available backends and potential configurations using Micrometer's facilities.


Full configuration options for StatsD can be found in the Micrometer's StatsDConfig implementation.

type: statsd
flavor: datadog
host: localhost
port: 8125

Dataset Namespace Resolver


This feature is available in OpenLineage 1.17 and above

Oftentimes host addresses are used to access data and a single dataset can be accessed via different addresses. For example, a Kafka topic can be accessed by a list of kafka bootstrap servers or any server from the list. In general, a problem can be solved by adding mechanism which resolves host addresses into logical identifier understood within the organisation. This applies for all clusters like Kafka or Cassandra which should be identified regardless of current list of hosts they contain. This also applies for JDBC urls where a physical address of database can change over time.

Host List Resolver

Host List Resolver given a list of hosts, replaces host name within the dataset namespace into the resolved value defined.

type: hostList
hosts: ['', '']
schema: "kafka"

Pattern Namespace Resolver

Java regex pattern is used to identify a host. Substrings matching a pattern will be replaced with resolved name.

type: pattern
# '', ''
regex: 'cassandra-prod(\d)+\.company\.com'
schema: "cassandra"

Pattern Group Namespace Resolver

For this resolver, Java regex pattern is used to identify a host. However, instead of configured resolved name, a matchingGroup is used a resolved name. This can be useful when having several clusters made from hosts with a well-defined host naming convention.

type: patternGroup
# '', '', '', ''
regex: '(?<cluster>[a-zA-Z-]+)-(\d)+\.company\.com:[\d]*'
matchingGroup: "cluster"
schema: "cassandra"

Custom Resolver

Custom resolver can be added by implementing:

  • io.openlineage.client.dataset.namespaceResolver.DatasetNamespaceResolver
  • io.openlineage.client.dataset.namespaceResolver.DatasetNamespaceResolverBuilder
  • io.openlineage.client.dataset.namespaceResolver.DatasetNamespaceResolverConfig

Config class can be used to pass any namespace resolver parameters through standard configuration mechanism (Spark & Flink configuration or openlineage.yml file provided). Standard ServiceLoader approach is used to load and initiate custom classes.