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· 2 min read
Michael Robinson

Join us on Wednesday, August 30th, 2023, from 5:30-8:30 pm PT at the Astronomer offices in San Francisco to learn more about the present and future of OpenLineage. Meet other members of the ecosystem, learn about the project’s goals and fundamental design, and participate in a discussion about the future of the project. Bring your ideas and vision for OpenLineage!

Also on the agenda: a presentation by new contributor/partner John Lukenoff, who will be speaking about his lineage use case.

· One min read
Michael Robinson

Join us on Thursday, June 22nd, 2023, from 6:00-8:00 pm ET at Collibra's HQ in New York to discuss the present and future of OpenLineage. Meet other members of the ecosystem, learn about the project’s goals and fundamental design, and participate in a discussion about the future of the project. Bring your ideas and vision for OpenLineage!

· 5 min read
Michael Robinson

We make much of the fact that OpenLineage is an open standard. It’s right there in our name. But it shouldn’t go without saying why an open standard for lineage metadata is preferable to a privately held one. The chief advantage of an open standard is precisely the fact that no one person or entity owns it. Hence, it offers the best avenue to a universally adopted, persistent specification.

· One min read
Michael Robinson

Join us on Tuesday, June 27th, 2023, from 5:30-8:30 pm PT at the Astronomer offices in San Francisco to learn more about the present and future of OpenLineage. Meet other members of the ecosystem, learn about the project’s goals and fundamental design, and participate in a discussion about the future of the project. Bring your ideas and vision for OpenLineage!

· 2 min read
Michael Robinson

Join us on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 from 5:30-8:30 pm at the Astronomer offices in New York, NY, to learn more about the present and future of OpenLineage. Meet other members of the ecosystem, learn about the project’s goals and fundamental design, and participate in a discussion about the future of the project. Bring your ideas and vision for OpenLineage!

· 2 min read
Michael Robinson

Join us on Thursday, March 9, 2023 from 6-8 pm in Providence, Rhode Island, to learn more about the present and future of OpenLineage. Meet other members of the ecosystem, learn about the project’s goals and fundamental design, and participate in a discussion about the future of the project. Bring your ideas and vision for OpenLineage!