Interface MergeConfig<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
CompositeConfig, DatasetConfig, FacetsConfig, HostListNamespaceResolverConfig, HttpConfig, HttpSslContextConfig, JavaRuntimeCircuitBreakerConfig, JobConfig, KafkaConfig, OpenLineageConfig, PatternMatchingGroupNamespaceResolverConfig, PatternNamespaceResolverConfig, RunConfig, SimpleMemoryCircuitBreakerConfig, TaskQueueCircuitBreakerConfig, TransformConfig

public interface MergeConfig<T>
Contains methods to merge different config classes. It is mainly used to merge config entries from YAML files with config entries provided in another way (like integration specific configuration mechanism: SparkConf, FlinkConf).

The general behaviour for classes implementing it is: implement a method that allows creating new config class which merges each property. When merging a non-value is taken and if two values are present then the argument of a method has higher precedence. If a property implements MergeConfig interface, then interface method is called. Merging logic needs to be aware of default values so that it does not overwrite a value with default entry.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Map
    mergePropertyWith(Map base, Map overwrite)
    Creates union of maps.
    default <T> T
    mergePropertyWith(T base, T overwrite)
    Checks for nulls to avoid NPE.
    default T
    Merges current instance with instance provided.
    default <T> T
    mergeWithDefaultValue(T base, T overwrite, T def)
    Overwrites base value with overwrite value only when it is does not equal default
    Method to create new config class based on current instance and non-null argument value.
  • Method Details

    • mergeWith

      default T mergeWith(T t)
      Merges current instance with instance provided. Checks if argument provided is non-null.
      t - object to be merged with
      merged value
    • mergePropertyWith

      default Map mergePropertyWith(Map base, Map overwrite)
      Creates union of maps. In case of key collision, second parameter overwrites the first. Does null checking to avoid NPE
      base - base value
      overwrite - overwrite value
      merged map
    • mergePropertyWith

      default <T> T mergePropertyWith(T base, T overwrite)
      Checks for nulls to avoid NPE. If arguments are of different classes, the latter is returned. If they implement MergeConfig interface, then interface methods are used to merge values.
      Type Parameters:
      T - generic type of merged object
      base - base value
      overwrite - overwrite value
      merged config entry
    • mergeWithDefaultValue

      default <T> T mergeWithDefaultValue(T base, T overwrite, T def)
      Overwrites base value with overwrite value only when it is does not equal default
      Type Parameters:
      T - generic type of merged object
      base - base value
      overwrite - overwrite value
      def - default value
      merged object
    • mergeWithNonNull

      T mergeWithNonNull(T t)
      Method to create new config class based on current instance and non-null argument value. In most cases, implementation needs to create a new instance of T, while merging all the properties.
      t - overwrite value
      merged config entry